1. The picture MUST:
1) Be “creepy” (i.e.: “strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened.“ – Cambridge Dictionnary).
2) Be available under a Creative Commons license or another equivalent free license (ex: GPL, Free Art license,…).
3) Be at least 1000 pixels (height or width).
2. The picture MUST NOT:
1) Be gory, pornographic or have no relation to the website’s creepy theme.
2) Contain or promote violent, misleading, hateful or illegal actions or speeches.
3) Be the sole property of its author (e.g.: “all rights reserved”) or have an unknown license.
3. Please don’t forget to provide a link to the website where the image and the copyright are both visible and valid (preferably Wikimedia Commons or Flickr).
4. If you are the creator of the submitted picture and your work hasn’t been copyrighted yet, then please make sure that you choose a free license for it before you upload it!